Types of Lovebirds : 9 incredible Lovebird types

Lovebirds are in some cases called pocket-sized parrots. Their dynamic colors, sociable natures as well as credibility as fantastic companions make them one of the most cherished little birds to have as pets. discover out much more about kinds of lovebirds as well as exactly how to take care of them.

You may be thinking about getting your own Lovebird to pet. There are nine types of lovebirds, eight of which originate from Africa as well as one from Madagascar.

Three kinds of Lovebirds are many typically kept as bird pets: the Peach-faced Lovebird as well as Fischer’s Lovebird. The six other types are unusual as well as rarely kept in captivity.

Origin as well as history of LoveBirds

All lovebird species, with the exception of one Madagascar native, phone call Africa home. They are typically discovered in little groups.

These lovebird types are unusual in captivity, other than in show-aviaries.

Abyssinian (or black-winged lovebird) (Agapornis Taranta).

Black-cheeked lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)

Madagascar or grey-headed lovebird (Agapornis Cana)

Nyasa as well as Lillian’s lovebird (Agapornis lilianae).

Red-faced as well as red-headed lovebirds (Agapornis Pullaria)

Swindern’s black-collared lovebird (Agapornis Swaindernia).

The wild populations of Nyasa, Fischer’s as well as black-cheeked lovebirds are alarming. Although they are not yet noted as endangered, their numbers are so little that each one falls under the “threatened or vulnerable” category.

Common Lovebird Characteristics

Before we get into the differences between the species, let’s very first look at some typical qualities you will discover Lovebirds to share, regardless of their species.

All Lovebirds share one typical characteristic: their size. since of their little size, they are frequently called “pocket parrots”, as well as since they belong to the household Psittaculidae. many Lovebirds determine between 5 as well as 7 inches in height.

They have a stocky develop as well as short, blunt tails. Their beak is sharp. Their color is frequently a great sign of their breed, in spite of the truth that there have been new color mutations in many species. We will talk about this even more shortly.

Zygodactyl feet are one more typical characteristic among all Lovebirds. These are the two toes that point ahead as well as backward. This enables little birds to balance as well as to hold onto little products while perching.

9 kinds of Lovebirds types (with Photos)

Because they are so cuddly as well as adorable, lovebirds make fantastic pets. These “pocket parrots”, which are small, vibrant additions to any type of family, are simple to care for as well as can be a fantastic option for beginners.

Globally, there are 9 types of lovebirds. a few of these types can be kept as pets, however not all. These three types are the most liked as well as cherished companions.

Habitat as well as History

We have determined all the African lovebird species. In the wild, lovebirds online in little groups. They all belong to the Agapornis household as well as are carefully related.

Only three types of lovebirds are kept in captivity. These are the Rosy-Faced Lovebirds, Fischer’s Lovebirds, as well as Black Masked Lovebirds.

Many lovebird types have much more than one typical name, which makes it simpler to refer them to their scientific names when talking with others. Lovebird parrots perched on a branch of a tree.

Some lovebird types are ending up being endangered in the wild. These are the Nyasa, Fischer’s, as well as Black Cheeked Lovebirds. Although they are not yet on the endangered types lists, all of them autumn under “threatened”, as well as “vulnerable,” categories.

These birds flourish in captivity. since they are active as well as thrilling, they are a prominent option for pets.

They are curious as well as have a lively personality. They are affectionate birds as well as frequently type strong bonds with their owners.

Rosy-Faced or Peach-Faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)

Lovebird with a peach-faced face

These lovebirds are one of the most prominent types for pet owners. When we believe about a lovebird, our minds instantly photo their gorgeous plumage or adorable faces.

Although they are simple to take care of, they can be aggressive at times. When you very first begin to interact with them, it is essential to be cautious.


This is exactly how lovebirds are frequently described. Their throats as well as faces are rosy pink. They have darker orange or reddish-brown hair that is visible above their eyes as well as on the forehead.

Their plumage is dark eco-friendly across their entire body, with a black rump. Their legs as well as feet are gray. These birds are frequently dark brown or black with a horn-colored, horn-colored beak.

Místo výskytu

The Rosy-Faced Lovebird can be discovered in dry areas of Southwest Africa. They don’t mind living in any type of atmOsphere a také lze objevit v otevřených oblastech, lesích, horách a dokonce i poloderenských oblastech poblíž zdrojů vody.


Tyto typy Lovebird jsou milé i malé. Určují zhruba 7-8 palců na délku od hlavy k ocasní špičce a také vyhodnocují méně než 2 unce.

2. Černé maskované i žlutohnědé hrdličky (agapornis individualitata).

Hrdličky s peří s žlutým límcem

Lovebird chápe dvě jména, protože neexistuje žádná smlouva o tom, která jejich funkce je mnohem výraznější: jasně žlutý límec nebo černá maska ​​na jejich tvářích.

Jsou to ještě jeden prominentní druhy domácích mazlíčků. Rovněž jsou mnohem jednodušší zachovat než růžové hrdličky.


Tito ptáci vypadají jako maska ​​shora. Jejich černé oči nebo tmavě hnědé oči mají bílé prsteny, které zdůrazňují funkci masky. Jejich jasné, standout červené zobáky způsobují, že svítí.

Límec jasně žluté zmizí na zelenou a také je skrytý pod tím vším. Někdy mohou být jejich ocasy nebo křídla modrá. Jejich nohy i nohy mají šedé pruhy.

Místo výskytu

Černý maskovaný Lovebird nemá tolik typů, jak se Rosy vypořádala s Lovebird. Jsou objeveny pouze v severovýchodní části Tanzanie. Jejich poddruhy byly účinně zavedeny do Keni i Burundi.


Tyto typy mají poněkud více mužů než žen. Ptáci nevyhodnocují mnohem více než 1,75 unce. Jsou rovněž menší než typbirdy s růžovou tváří. Jejich maximální délka je 2,3 palce.

3. Fischer’s Lovebirds (Agapornis fischeri)

Fischer’s Lovebirds

Fischerovy hrdličky jsou jedním z nejvzácnějších druhů domácích zvířat. Jsou však standout s jasnými i různými barvami peří.

Přestože jsou velmi hraví, jsou také populární. Jsou však tišší než mnoho druhů Lovebird nebo Parrot. Jsou sociální, energické a dobře se mohou dobře spojit.


Lovebird Fischer má dynamické zelené modré peří s jemnými barevnými variacemi přes hrudník, křídla i záda. Barva pomalu zhnědne a oranžová na jejich hlavách i na krcích, stejně jako na koncích zmizí na zlatou žlutou barvu. Jejich oči mají prsteny bílých i tmavě oranžových zobáků.

Místo výskytu

Tito ptáci mohou být objeveni pouze v malé oblasti Afriky podél jižní hranice jezera Victoria v Tanzanii. Několik z těchto ptáků se kvůli změně klimatu stěhovalo do Rwandy i Burundi.


Jsou jedním z nejmenších typů hrdliček a měří pouze 5 palců od hlavy i ocasu. Hodnotí mezi 1,5 a 2 uncemi.

4. Nyasa nebo Lilian’s Lovebirds (Agapornis lilianae)

Lilian’s Lovebirds

Někdy mohou být Nyasa nebo Lilian’s Lovebirds objeveni v zajetí. Vzhledem k tomu, že jsou náročné na chov, četné je udržují jako sběratele nebo chovatelé. Jsou v nebezpečí, že zmizí z přírody. Protože jsou tak vzácné, patří mezi nejméně studovaný druhy lovebirdů.


Nyasa Lovebird vypadá velmi podobně jako Fischer’s Lovebird, má však jemnější barvy. Jejich hlavy i vpředu jsou růžová nebo oranžová barva.

To se změní na světle oranžovou, pak žlutou na jejich hrudi a také po hlavách. Jejich tělo je jasně ekologické s modrými odstíny na křídlech. Jejich černé oči mají bílý zvuk a jejich jasně oranžový zobák je zvýrazněn jasně oranžovým zobákem.

Místo výskytu

Mají větší nativní oblast, i když menší a méně typická hejna. Jsou objeveny v Malawi, Mozambiku a Tanzanii, kromě Zambie, Zimbabwe, Zambie a Tanzanie.


Určují ohromující 5,4 palce vysoký od jejich hlav k jejich ocasům. Hodnotí mezi 1-1,3 unce a jsou lehčí než jiné druhy.

5. Black-Cheeked Lovebirds (Agapornis nigrigenis)

Černé tváře

Black-Cheeking Lovebird by neměl být zaměňován s černým maskovaným Lovebird. Původně se věřili, že jsou poddruhem Nyasa Lovebird, ale byli určeni jako soukromý druh.


Tento pták je primárně pokryt tmavě ekologickým peří, zejména na jejich křídlech i na spodní straně. Pluma zmizí na světle hnědou na hrudi a pak se stává oranžovou. Jejich hlava je tmavě hnědá, s bílými kruhy kolem očí. Jejich zobáky jsou jasně červené.

Místo výskytu

V jihozápadní Zambii lze objevit černé tváře. Když migrují na zdroje vody, několik z těchto ptáků bylo vidět v Botswaně v Namibii i v Zimbabwe.


Jsou zhruba 5,5 palce a také hodnotí zhruba 1,4 unce nejtěžší.

Podobné čtení: Přesně jak zkontrolovat řeč těla Lovebird (s obrázky)

6. Černá křídla Abyssinian Lovebird (Agapornis Taranta)

Abyssinian Lovebird

Abyssinian Lovebird je poněkud odlišný od ostatních druhů. Ačkoli nejsou běžní, v posledních letech si jako domácí zvířata získali určitou popularitu.


Tito ptáci mají bright red eyes as well as a beak. They are bright shades of eco-friendly from the top of the head to the bottom. Their black underwing is the only exception. women can be totally eco-friendly without any red or black on their bodies.

Místo výskytu

The Abyssinian lovebirds are discovered in the mountains of Ethiopia as well as Eritrea.


These birds are typically larger than other lovebird species. They determine 6-7 inches in length as well as typical 1.7 ounces.

7. Madagascar or Grey-Headed Lovebirds (Agapornis cana)

Grey-Headed Lovebirds

The Madagascar Lovebird, a native of Madagascar, can likewise be discovered on a number of other islands. They are currently not kept in captivity.


This lovebird types has different color patterns for males as well as females. The women have a total eco-friendly plumage, with some darker shades on their wings as well as back. Sometimes, it’s paler on their chests.

The entire body of males is covered in pale grey, practically like they are off-white.

Místo výskytu

They are a native types of Madagascar birds as well as they online in a rainforest environment. They are likewise discovered on other islands.


Madagascar Lovebirds are among the smallest lovebird species. They determine just 5 inches in length as well as evaluate 1-1.25 ounces.

8. Red-Faced Lovebirds – Agapornis Pullaria

Red-Faced Lovebirds

Red-faced Lovebirds look gorgeous as well as have a lovely demeanor. numerous attempts have been made to raise them in captivity however all have failed.

They have special needs that can only be satisfied by their natural environment, such as nesting, companionship, diet, as well as nutrition.


Red-faced Lovebirds screen spectacular eco-friendly plumage on their bodies, tails as well as necks. The only difference between them is on their foreheads, beak, as well as frontal areas. This color is typically a peachy orange.

Místo výskytu

Red-Faced Lovebirds are the most extensive in their native habitat. They are discovered in all the African tropical rainforests that lie along the Equator. They are discovered in Uganda, Sierra Leone as well as Angola.


When they reach full maturity they are roughly 6 inches in length as well as evaluate about 1.5 ounces.

9. Black-Collared or Swindern’s Lovebird

Swindern’s Lovebird

Another unusual types is the Black-Collared Lovebird. since they need native figs for their diet, they are not kept in captivity. They are timid of other creatures as well as can be seen high up in the trees where they phone call home.


They have extremely few markings on their bodies as they are mainly covered in eco-friendly plumage. They likewise have a unique black collar at the back of their neck.

Místo výskytu

They can likewise phone call their house on a broad variety of land. These include the forests of Africa, which are similar to the types discussed above. They can be discovered in Cameroon as well as Cote d’Ivoire in addition to Equatorial Guinea, Gabon as well as Ghana.


This types is a great option for lovebirds. It steps roughly 5 inches from head to tail as well as evaluates around 1.4 ounces.

LoveBird’s Temperament

They can be referred to as playful, curious, feisty as well as active lovebirds. They can be cuddly as well as social birds, as they type strong bonds with their owners.

If not handled properly, lovebirds can be aggressive as well as territorial as well as even jealous. professionals believe that female lovebirds are much more likely to be jealous as well as territorial than males, however both sexes can still have incredible personalities.

Although they are not as loud or as vocal as larger parrots lovebirds can still make a high-pitched screech when they want your attention. Although their typical chirps or squawks don’t noise as well loud, they like to chatter.

They are not typically understood for being able to imitate speech or sounds. However, there are always exceptions. professionals believe that women are much more likely to imitate speech or seems than males, however both sexes can still chatter.

Lovebird Markings as well as Colors

Lovebirds are widely known for their blunt, short tail feathers. This is what distinguishes them from budgerigars. Lovebirds are likewise larger.

These types can are available in numerous colors, from white to eco-friendly to teal to white. all of them are extremely vivid, with heads as well as faces that are a different color from the primary body feathers. prominent pet lovebirds are mainly eco-friendly in plumage.

There are numerous color variations in lovebirds. The peach-faced lovebird is the most prominent as well as can be kept as a pet. It is easy to breed in captivity. This has been done for hundreds as well as years. You will see numerous colors.

Red-faced lovebirds, Madagascar, as well as Absynian are all dimorphic. This makes it simple to differentiate males from women by the color of the feathers. since they are practically similaR, stejně jako monomorfní, je obtížné říci pohlaví jiných druhů.

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